Spring Series: How to Clean a Leather Car Seat


With April right around the corner, we're slowly moving toward warmer Spring temperatures. As the last signs of snow start to slowly melt away - it's easy to see why many are racing to the car wash, emptying out their closets to make way for warmer-weather clothes, and yes - even looking for ways to clean car interiors. After all, we're quickly approaching road-trip season, and we want to help your car look nice and clean for anyone who accompanies you on the ride.


Do you need to clean, or restore, your leather car seats?

While we're confident in our leather cleaning solutions to tackle even the most challenging tasks, there are some things that a good, old-fashioned cleaning simply won't resolve. Dealing with scuffs, holes, or tears? If so, check out our helpful video on How to Restore a Leather Care Interior.

Are your seats stained? If so, what caused the stain?

Removing stains from leather is never a simple task, but it can become much simpler when you utilize the right products to get the job done. Many make the mistake of trying to tackle stains in leather with water or a basic all-in-one cleaner when ideally, you would first identify the origin of the stain and pair it up the best custom solution.

Stains from dyes or paint, for example, require a stronger solution - but bear in mind that while many products will remove the stain, they can also remove the beautiful, protective coating that covers your leather seats. For these purposes, you will want to find a product that is strong enough to remove the stain, but gentle enough to keep the leather coating intact: like our Leather Stain Remover.

And then there are ink stains, which due to the nature of the stain itself, require a more specialized solution. Ink stains can become ingrained in the leather material, and a product that simply pulls stains from the surface is rendered inadequate for this type of stain.

Have your leather car seats lost their natural color over the years?

If you're hoping that a thorough cleaning will restore the natural shade of your leather car seats, you may want to consider whether the dirt and grime affected the coloring, or if it's natural wear-and-tear.

In older vehicles, for example, you may want to consider a leather recoloring solution to supplement your cleaning initiatives: this will allow you to bring color and vibrancy back to your car interior, while still tackling the dirt and grime that have become lodged underneath the material's surface.


While our goal is to make your car interior look and feel brand new, we also believe in extremely thorough cleaning practices that clean beneath the surface, too.

After all, a clean car means more than an interior that's easy on the eyes: it also results in a car that smells great and leather seats that will hold up longer to regular use.

When you begin your car interior cleaning project, first remove any items that will keep you from getting to all components that require a good cleaning. This will also help you identify a clearer picture of the supplies needed to get the job done right.

Next, you will want to get yourself equipped with all products that will aid you in a quick and efficient cleaning process. At Furniture Clinic, we recommend a combination of two types of items: the first, to actively clean existing dirt and grime. The second: a product that helps to seal and protect your leather seats from accumulating dirt and grime in the future.

Being proactive and preventative is one of the best things that you can do for your car's cleanliness: there are even products available online that will form a protective barrier on your car seats: an invisible barrier that results in a very noticeable, new standard for the upkeep of your car.

To pick the best products for the job, make sure you're reviewing the product descriptions to ensure that it's compatible with the type of leather that makes up your car seats. Not every product is safe-to-use on every type of leather. In most circumstances, your car interior utilizes pigmented leather due to the quality and durability of this leather type. If you are unsure what type of leather is on your car seats, our team of experts can provide additional insight.


Once you've paired your leather seats, and desired applications, with the perfect products for cleaning and future protection, it's time to get started!

At Furniture Clinic, we always recommend a quick test with each product on a small area of your leather's surface. Simply apply a small drop or two of the selected product to one of your leather seats and ensure that it does not impact the color (unless the product is intended to do just that!)

When you're fully confident that the product is safe-for-use, use the cleaning product to remove deeply ingrained dirt and grime. If effective, you should see lodged dirt rise to the surface, and you can quickly wipe away the accumulated grime that exists under the surface.

Once you're satisfied that you've cleaned thoroughly, apply our Leather Protection Cream to the surface of your car seats. This will allow your seats to be protected from stains and remain clean for a longer time: free from the normal wear-and-tear that complements regular use.

Life's an exciting journey that's full of twists and turns, and at Furniture Clinic, we believe that you might as well navigate through life in a car with a beautiful interior.

Start your journey with Furniture Clinic today by filling out our online contact form, or giving us a call to speak with one of our experts!
